Wednesday 13 July 2011

"And One Makes Four"

The first whale we find today is a small adolescent humpback by its self, traveling west on the southern side of Michaelmas Island. It is very quiet so we head east to see what else we can find. We find a adult humpback cruising slowly and we tag along, after about 5 minutes we notice a little tiny calf with mum. We follow for some time hoping to get some good pictures. They head around the eastern end of Breaksea Island and then towards Bald Head. I see several blows and we leave the cow and calf, but the whales I see are traveling quite fast and by the time we catch up with them they are close to Bald Head. We follow trying to work out how many whales we are with. We have several pods in the area and all up we get to about 20 humpback whales for the day.
"Think Whales Think Albany"
Master of the vessel Paul Guest.


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