I have heard strong winds blowing all night from the east, although the forecast was for lighter winds. So on the way to the boat, I go to the to the lookout on Marine Drive. As expected, the sea conditions are not too good. I scan the Sound to see if any whales are close but no luck. I head to the marina and when passengers that have book on start to arrive I tell them that conditions are not very nice especially for those families with young children, I ask if they have to opportunity to cruise tomorrow. Two couples cant make tomorrows trip. One couple decided to get a refund from the visitor center where they purchased it yesterday and one couple say that they don't get sea sick so choose to travel with the other operator in town.
I don't give this advice just because people may get sea sick, it is a range of reasons.
Seasickness of course.
Enjoyment, why go on a day that the weather is not good when you can go on a day that the weather will be much better.
Ease to find the whales, their were no whales seen in King George Sound so we would have to venture some distance and with these conditions it can be very hard to spot the whales and then to follow the whales so that passengers get a good view, after all isn't that why you have purchased the ticket.
People have told me that I should just take your money. I'm sorry folks I take pride in my business and wish that you will remember your cruise with us with fond memories not with contempt for me.
"Master of the vessel Silver Star II"
Paul Guest
I don't give this advice just because people may get sea sick, it is a range of reasons.
Seasickness of course.
Enjoyment, why go on a day that the weather is not good when you can go on a day that the weather will be much better.
Ease to find the whales, their were no whales seen in King George Sound so we would have to venture some distance and with these conditions it can be very hard to spot the whales and then to follow the whales so that passengers get a good view, after all isn't that why you have purchased the ticket.
People have told me that I should just take your money. I'm sorry folks I take pride in my business and wish that you will remember your cruise with us with fond memories not with contempt for me.
"Master of the vessel Silver Star II"
Paul Guest